HCC Members List of individuals paying annual dues of $50
Class year = Alumni - Parent of = P-XX - Grand Parent of = GP-XX - Friend of Citadel = FOC
Rod Adelstone '85
Ray Allen '55
Doug Anderson '72
Ralph Atkinson '67
Zio Badal - FOC
Brandy (Perry '01) and Kenneth Baker
Chris Baker '93/P-23
Ben Baroody '01
Dr. Samuel Baroody Jr.
Ken Bellamy '60
Jonathan Black '04
Chris & Devon Boney P-24
Harry Branton '64
Edward Brown '64
Gary Browning '74
Dick Burch '81
John Edward Cahill III '23
John Cahill Jr. 96/P-23
Ted Campbell '66
Harold Capps '60
George Carpenter '84
Cory & Candice Cherry P-24
David Cole '06
Jeff Cole P-26
Jennifer Cole P-26
Chris Conklin '09
William West Courtney '20
Chip Cox '73
Robert H. "Bobby" Cox '64
Cal Cunningham '62
Thomas Cummings '06
Samuel Davis '67
Billy Death '74
Harry C. DePew '73
Tony DeWitt '77
Kath Diaz - P-24
Tony Diaz - P-24
Richard S. (Sam) Dusenbury '69
Fredrick F. Ellis '64
Jim Ferdon '83
Eddie & Holly Fesperman P-27
Doug Floyd '86/P-18
Dick Foltz '76
Michael Gamble '91
George "Skip" Gering III '67
Tommy Gray '70
Val Guest '82
Kent Gunter '95
Richard Gustafson '63
Davis Guyton '23
Robert Guyton '22
Shep & Kelly Guyton P-22, P-23
Drew Hanna '00
Fischer Hayes '19
Alex Holbert '74
Todd J. Holmes '77
Larry Horinbein '73
Alex Houston '07
Mike Howle '66
Bill Hudson '79
Mike Hussey '76
Rick Hussey Jr. '66
Ben Johnson '87
Matthew & Catherine Johnson P-28
Chris King '97
Royce King '68
Darryl M. Kirshy '68
Jonathan Kresken '87
Tony Kyzer '63
Nathaniel "Jerry" Laney '65
Pete Little '70
Al Lytle '75
Mike Martin '69
Saul Martinez '93
Marshall McMillan '68
Jim McConnell '69
Edwin McIver '73
Dr. William Mills '81
Regina Morgan GP-24
Randy & Stacey Mullis - FOC
Edward "Ned" Nance '67
Mark Nash '90
James Nehez '76
Wayne Odom '72
Barry Owenby '73
Jay & Jessica Phillips P-28
Mel Reck - FOC
Gene Reid '67
Samuel "Tripp" Rion III '92
Nicholas Root '11
Kenneth Ryan P-28
Everette Sands '93
Alex Sellars '10
David Sheekey '86
Dan Shepard '81 - RIP 12/21/24
Greg Sibley - FOC
Rick & Brandy Smith P-22
Cary & Nicole Smith P-25
Butch Smith III '81
Sydney Stablein GP-24
Harry Stone '19
Will Temple '07
Roger Tisdale '70
Carla Todd P-28
Ricky Todd P-28
Christian & Jeanette Tully P-27
Ryan & Darla Underwood P-24
Todd & Elizabeth Underwood P-22
Jim Watson '63
Steve White '75
Wayne Wicker '87, P-17
Wilson Wicker '17
Patrick Wilkinson '13
Matt & Sherry Winburn P-25
Mike Wooten '77
Glenn Woytisek '78
Michael Yarborough '83
Tony Zack '95
James Zalaznik '65
Horry Citadel Club Officers
The Officers and Committee Chairman welcome your comments and suggestions to make your club better
Tony Zack '95, President
Open, Vice President
e-mail address
Wilson Wicker '17, Sergeant at Arms
David Cole CPA '06, Treasurer
Gary Browning '74, Secretary
R. Douglas Floyd CPA '86, Past President
Mike Howle '66, Past President
Jonathan P. Kresken, JD '87, Past President
Alex Holbert '74, Past President
Doug Anderson '72, Golf Committee Chairman
Welcome to Horry Citadel Club's Website
Our club consists of members that are recent and past graduates, parents of cadets, and friends of The Citadel,
The Military College of South Carolina in Charleston, S. C. Our members meet and fellowship numerous times during the year:
in March for our Muster & Oyster Roast, in June for our annual golf tournament fundraiser, in June to Greet the next Class of Cadets,
in the Fall at Home Football tailgates, in the winter in a Sporting Clay Tournament, and at other social activities during the year.
If you are interested in becoming a member, or are a current member and would like to to renew your annual membership you can,
Make out a check for 2025 dues of $50 to Horry Citadel Club
Then mail it to:
Horry Citadel Club
P.O. Box 3254
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578-3254
(If you have membership questions please contact our Club Secretary at pshama@aol.com or call or text 937-239-8633)
Thank you
Our Facebook page link is
We wish all members of the
Corps of Cadets
The Military College of South Carolina
a Great School Year 2024 - 2025!
Welcome and Excel Class of 2028!
2nd Annual Sporting Clay Tournament
1st March - 9am - 2 pm
Back Woods Quail Club
647 Hemingway Lane
Georgetown, SC 29440
Limited to 30 Teams
Payment due when you sign up ( Please use sign up sheet- e-mail pshama@aol.com to obtain one)
Deadline February 24
Game Format: 100 Clay Target Shoot - 4 Man Teams
$400 - 4 Man Team Entry (includes clays, cart, food, and drink)
$500 - 4 Man Team Entry with Sponsorship (includes clays, cart, food, drink, sign on course, and 4 Mulligans)
$100 - Sponsorship (includes sign on course)
$10 each - Mulligans (Max 2 per person)
$15 - Extra Food Ticket
Other Information:
Kenny's BBQ and beverages will be provided after event. Yes, we will have beer after!
Please send sponsorship logo to: Williamwcourtney@gmail.com
RSVP: Sponsor or Attend by Contacting West Courtney : 843-283-0575 or Williamwcourtney@gmail.com (Subject: HCCC Backwoods Tournament)
To have Tournament Information Sheet and Entry Form e-mailed to you please e-mail Pshama@aol.com
and request HCCC Backwoods Tournament forms
"Come Celebrate the Long Gray Line"
Tuesday March 18
Hot Fish Club - Pagoda Bar
4911 Highway 17 Business
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
5:30 pm - Bar Opens - Check-in, Pay for event, Identify graduates you want included in ceremony
6:00 - Appetizers
6:20 - Muster Ceremony - Announcements - Introductions
7:00 - Oyster Roast outside - Other Food inside
Dress is Casual - dress for weather to eat oysters outside
Costs -
$45 per person for oysters, other food, domestic beer, house wine, soda, water, sweet tea
$35 per person oysters, other food, soda, water, sweet tea
$35 per person other food, domestic beer, house wine, soda, water, sweet tea
$25 per person other food, soda, water, sweet tea
Pay at the event at check-in - you can include your $50 2025 club dues
Make checks out to Horry Citadel Club or pay cash
RSVP by Wednesday March 12 tell us how many are eating oysters
to Gary at pshama@aol.com or call or text 937-239-8633
We hope to see you there!
40th Annual HCC Golf Tournament/Fundraiser
TBD Date June
HCC Knob Night 2025
Meet and Greet & Question Answering Opportunity for the Class of 2029
Horry & Georgetown County Cadets and Families
TBD Date June
South Carolina Corps of Cadets (SCCC) 2024 -2025 Academic Year Dates & Parade Schedule 2024
Jan 31 - Retreat 1545 (3:45 pm)
Feb 7 - Awards Review 1545
Feb 14 - Awards Review 1545
Feb 20-23 - ROTC Field Training Exercises
Feb 28 - Retreat 1545
Mar 7 - Spring Furlough after last class
Mar 8-16 - Spring Furlough
Mar 22 - Corps Day - 1030 Corps Day Jeep Review - TBD Class of 2028 March to Marion Square
Apr 11 - Awards Review
Apr 20 - Easter
Apr 27 - SCCC last day of classes
Apr 27-29 - Final Exams
May 1 - SCCC Awards Convocation
May 2 - Commissioning Day - 1545 Long Gray Line Parade
May 3 - SCCC Class of 2025 Commencement ceremony
Summer Furlough Begins
May 5 - Full Summer/ Minimester A/First Summer Classes Begin
May 26 - Memorial Day - No Classes Held
June 1 - Minimester A Classes End
June 2 - Minimester B Classes Begin
June 22 - First Summer Classes End
June 23 - Second Summer Classes Begin
June 29 - Minimester B Classes End
July 4 - Independence Day
July 6 - Citadel Success Institute (CSI) Students Report to Campus
July 8-31 - CSI Classes
Aug 10 - Full Summer Classes End
Thanks to our 2024 Golf Tournament Sponsors
Giving your business to our sponsors is sincerely appreciated
FBi Construction, Inc. General Contractors, Kent Gunter '95, Kyle Gunter '96, Kacy Gunter '05 - Two Holes Sponsored - For over 40 years,
people in the Carolinas and beyond have been putting their trust in "Team FBi". During this time, FBi Construction has continuously provided
a full range of both preconstruction and construction services including, planning and design, new construction, additions and renovations.
FBi Construction serves a broad range of clients that historically have included municipal, retail, industrial, educational, healthcare and
faith based institutions. They have a Corporate Office at 2240 N. Douglas Street, Florence, SC 29501 (843 665-0408) and a Coastal Division
located at 490 Allied Drive, Conway SC 29526 (843 234-4324) or they can be found on the web at http://www.fbiconstruction.com
Darryl Kirshy '68 - Hole Sponsor
Doug Anderson '72 - Golf Threesome, Golf Balls Donated for Goody Bag Items
Alex Holbert '74 - Hole Sponsor and Raffle Tickets Purchased
George Carpenter '84 - Golf Foursome
Unclaimed Furniture, Myrtle Beach - Tommy Gray '70 - Two Holes Sponsored - We buy truckload volume and close outs at discounted prices and
pass the savings on to the customer. We take pride in being a locally owned business with friendly professional salespeople who know the products
and can help you find amazing deals on great brands. At Unclaimed Furniture our goal is to offer warehouse prices in a retail atmosphere where
you are free to browse and enjoy our huge selection. Because we buy in volume we have reduced our overhead so we can pass the savings on to you,
something other furniture stores can't do. Whether you are looking to refurnish an entire home or find the one perfect piece to bring your living room,
dining room or bedroom to life, we have exactly what you want at a price you can afford to pay. Located at 928 Frontage Road East, Myrtle Beach 29577
- Our hours are M-Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 1-5pm - Call 843-626-6633 - E-mail us at: unclaimedfurnituremb@gmail.com
- On the web at https://www.unclaimedfurniture.com
Mike Martin '69, Jim McConnell '69, Sam Dusenbury '69, Charles Small '69 - Golf Foursome " '69 Golf Dawgs" & Hole Sponsor,
Donation for a Cadet or Future Cadet Golf Fee's, Mulligan's Purchased
Harry Branton '64 - Two Holes Sponsored
Mike Howle '66 - Golf Foursome "Stump Dogs", Raffle Prizes of Beachwood, Crown Park, Whispering Pines, Arrowhead & Prestwick Rounds of Golf for 4,
& Two $25 Gift Cards from Akers Discount Golf Murrells Inlet, Four Hole Sponsors Recruited
South Atlantic Bank - Wayne Wicker '87, Paul Peeples '91, Wilson Wicker '17 - Hole Sponsor, 60 sets of the following goodie Bag items - Coozies,
Reuseable Shopping Bags, Tees & Ball Markers, & 8 oz. Plastic Cups - See the people you know and trust for all your personal and business needs!
Now with twelve locations along the South Carolina Coast: Myrtle Beach at 630 29th Avenue North (843.839.0100),
North Myrtle Beach at 1801 Highway 17 South (843.848.2260), Carolina Forest/Towne Centre at 3990 River Oaks Drive (843.839.5446)
Murrells Inlet at 11019 Tournament Boulevard (843.848.2000), Pawleys Island at 10970 Ocean Highway (843.848.2049),
Georgetown at 1187 North Fraser Street (843.436.6800), Mount Pleasant at 930 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. (843.972.4300),
Charleston at 40 Calhoun Street, Suite 100 in Downtown Charleston (843.414.5900),
Beaufort at 11-E Robert Smalls Parkway (843.473.7348), Bluffton at 1 Sheridan Park Circle (843.815.7111),
Hilton Head - Main at 81 Main Street Suite 100 (843.548.1004), and Hilton Head - Park Lane at 5A Park Lane (843.785.3400).
Visit us on the web at https://www.SouthAtlantic.Bank
David Sheekey '86 - Golf Twosome, 12 Sleeves of Bulldog Golf Ball Raffle Prizes
Mister Sparky America's On-Time Electrician and Benjamin Franklin The Punctual Plumber -
"We specialize in residential service 24 hours a day 7 days a week." No call is too small. - Tony Zack '95 -
Golf Foursome - Two Holes Sponsored - 60 sets of the following Goodie Bag items - Coozies, $50 Gift card for Mister Sparky Electrical Services,
& $50 Gift Card for Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Services -
"When you call in ask for the Bulldog Special" - For all your electrical and plumbing needs.
To Contact Mister Sparky call 843.894.0898, on the web at https://mistersparkymyrtlebeachsc.com/
To Contact Benjamin Franklin call 843.894.0907 on the web at https://www.benjaminfranklinmb.com/ "If there's any delay, its you we pay!"
Edwin McIver '73 - Golf Tournament Volunteer
Chip Cox '73 - Round of Golf for 4 at Dunes Golf and Beach Club Silent Auction Prize
Waccamaw Dermatology - Good Bag items - 58 sun protection samples
Lee Gremillion '99 - Golf
Golf Galaxy, Myrtle Beach - Goodie Bag items - 64 "Tournament Card - Take 10% off your next purchase" cards
BME Commerical Insurance - Brice Landstreet '21 - Hole Sponsor, Golf Tournament Volunteer - BME Commercial Insurance was founded as an
insurance retail agency and broker with one goal in mind - to provide businesses and individuals with the best and most unique insurance products
in the marketplace while always putting the client's interest first. Being an independent agency and broker, we are able to examine nearly every product
available in the marketplace and truly offer the best products in the industry, without restraint to ensure that your interest is always first.
BME Commerical Insurance has leveraged their place in the marketplace and has become a well known and trusted partner
of many businesses and individuals across the Southeast. Businesses and individuals continue to rely on us for our company's in-depth expertise,
game changing products, innovative infrastructure and commitment to clients. We feel confident that given the opportunity to earn your business
that we will exceed any expectations. Contact Brice at 843.833.7844 - Brice@bmeinsurance.com
See BME's website at http://www.bmeinsurance.com
State Farm Insurance - Mark Nash '90 Agent - Hole Sponsor - Protecting families and legacies one conversation at a time!
Contact Mark for all your insurance needs at 843-347-NASH (6274), on the web at https://www.MarkNashInsurance.com
He is located at 1305 Main Street, Conway, SC 29526
Jim Ferdon '83 - Golf
Baker's Glass & Mirror Inc. - Chris Baker '93 - Hole Sponsor - Add value and visual appeal to your property with products and services
from our glass and mirror company in Georgetown, South Carolina. In business since 1954, Baker's Glass & Mirror offers residential
and commercial glass repair and replacement for sliding doors, windows, furniture tops, showers, and more. Contact our glass company
to explore new options for property enhancement. Proudly serving Georgetown, Pawleys Island, Garden City, Andrews & Surrounding Areas
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Saturday - Sunday Closed - 24-Hour Emergency Service Available - Call (843) 546-6136
Located at 1424 Highmarket St. Georgetown, SC 29440 - E-mail Chris at chris.bakerglass@gmail.com
On the web at https://www.bakerglassand mirror.com
Barry Owenby '73 - Golf Foursome, "Class of 1973" Hole Sponsor
Lee Electrical Construction LLC Aberdeen, NC - Pat Howle - Hole Sponsor - Golf Foursome - Raffle Tickets & Mulligans Purchased,
4 Sleeves Titleist TruFeel Golf Ball Raffle Prizes - Lee Electrical Construction, LLC is a specialized utility contractor that provides professional
services to investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives, municipals, and industrial companies. Proudly serving the South East since 1988
in Distribution, Transmission, Horizontal Directional Boring, Substation, and Emergency Restoration. Call (910) 944-9728
On the web at https://www.lee-electrical.com/
Glenn Woytisek '78 - Golf Foursome, Raffle Prizes of International Club green & cart fees for 4 - Four $25 Gift & VIP Cards to 3001 Nightlife
A TCBF Leather Goodie Bag, including a sleeve of PROV1 balls, & a TCBF ball marker - Goodie Bag items of 60 1/2 price admission cards to 3001 Nightlife
Doug Anderson '72 - Golf - Raffle Prizes of Two Rounds of golf for 4 at any Founders Group Course - 60 Sleeves of Goodie Bag Golf Balls
Development Resource Group (DRG) - Spencer Harrelson '20 - Hole Sponsor - Golf Foursome - DRG is a team of seasoned professionals who work
collaboratively to maintain the overall vision of a project and find the solutions that will produce the best end result. We deal with everything
outside of the physical buildings: roads, drainage, water, sewer, traffic, and more. It's a lot to tackle, but it's what we do here at DRG.
With 30 years' experience in the industry, it's something we've been doing well for countless clients. We step in to create, improve and protect
the environment in which we all live and work. Call us now so we can help you develop your next project! 843 839-3350
We are located at 4703 Oleander Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 - Visit our web site https://www.drgpllc.com
Pavilion Discount Liquor - Seymour Port - Hole Sponsor - Since 1991 the Grand Strand's source for Retail & Wholesale Liquors.
Discount Cigarettes - Beer - Wine - Located at 1301 Highway 17 South, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 - (843) 272-4844
(843) 272-3018 Fax -- And At - 215 Highway 17 North, Surfside Beach, SC 29575 - (843) 238-5266, (843) 828-4491 Fax
Raymond James Financial Services, Inc - Hamilton &Hamilton Wealth Management - Haden Hamilton & Alison Hamilton -
At Hamilton & Hamilton Wealth Management, you'll receive the guidance of two financial advisors, a father-daughter team offering both a male and
a female perspective and a multigenerational one as well. You'll not only benefit from our combined industry experience, but also our total team approach,
working together on your behalf while offering an attentive level of quality, personalized service.
The office is located at 1151 44th Ave. N. Suite B., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Call their office at 843-839-4700 or cell at 843-995-1304.
E-mail haden.hamilton@raymondjames.com & alison.hamilton@raymondjames.com
Visit their website at https://www.raymondjames.com/hamiltonhamilton
Wayne Odom '72 - Golf
Ralph Atkinson '76 - Hole Sponsor
Craig Daniel '79 - Golf
Dan Shepard '81 - Golf
A&I Fire and Water Restoration - Danny Isaac '74 - Hole Sponsor - We're Here When Disaster Strikes or to help clean up life's little messes...
Since 1974, A&I Fire and Water Restoration has been building an award winning reputation of quality and commitment up and down the Carolina Coast.
From Wilmington to Florence and Myrtle Beach to Charleston - Everyday our passion for excellence, quality, and superior service shows in getting
your world back to normal again. For almost 50 years our goal has been to make sure that your experience with A&I Fire and Water Restoration
is responsive, pain-free, and meets with the highest standards when disaster strikes your family or business.
Whether it's water damage, fire, mold, or specialty services... we're here to help make your house a home again.
Please Call us at 1-843-448-8485 OR visit us on our web site https://ai-restoration.com
Duncan, Farmer, McIlrath, Marlowe & Cole - David Cole '06 - Hole Sponsor - Golf Foursome -
Professional Tax & Accounting Services in Myrtle Beach since 1984. They have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to fulfill your tax or accounting needs.
As a large firm with a small business mindset, you'll get the best of both worlds. The benefits of a large firm include a wide array of knowledge and
many professionals ready to work with you, but the service and commitment to your satisfaction remain a top priority. Whether you're in need of tax preparation,
accounting services, or any other services such as payroll or bookkeeping, we will do our best to make sure you get the service you need. With a full range of
consulting services, your financial needs are in the right hands. Call (843) 448-2019 - Located at 1004 29th Avenue North, Suite A, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
On the web at https://www.grandstrandcpas.com/
Spann Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. - J. Ben Griffith '96 - Two Holes Sponsored - Since 1957, Spann Roofing & Sheet Metal has been the premier roofing contractor
in the Grand Strand and Pee Dee for all your residential and commercial roofing needs. We also have a dedicated service department for both large and small
roofing repairs. We are committed to delivering top-notch workmanship, responsive support, and outstanding customer service. Our work is guided by our core values of honesty, quality, and integrity, ensuring we meet and exceed client expectations. From the office to the field, you can count on the same high level of customer service at every step. For all of your roofing needs, call Spann Roofing at 843.347.2220 - https://spannroofing.com
Martinez & Associates Structural Engineers, PA - Saul Martinez '93 - Two Holes Sponsored - Martinez & Associates, PA is a structural engineering firm providing
consultation and design drawing services for residential, commercial, industrial, and governmental construction projects. Ethical conduct with special consideration to life safety governs our practice. Design quality and timely project completion are our priority. Our corporation is registered in Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina while our principal engineer is registered in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, New York, and Virginia. Our high-quality work and many years of experience have earned us an excellent reputation and a loyal client base.
Browse this website to find out more about what we do, how we work, and what we promise. https//www.structuralstrenght.org
If you are interested in a partnership, we would be pleased to set up a meeting with you in our offices. Just contact us! - 843.839.1620
Conway National Bank (CNB) - West Courtney '20 - Rand Waller '12 - Hole Sponsor - Golf Foursome - Experience the Bank Conway National Bank Difference - Since 1903, we've been providing the Conway, Myrtle Beach, and Grand Strand market areas with banking products, and services that have helped to grow our service area of Horry County, South Carolina, and the Waccamaw Neck area of Georgetown County. CNB is a full-service bank offering personal banking, business banking, and on-line banking services with 15 offices located in Aynor, Conway, Little River, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Carolina Forest, Socastee, Surfside Beach, Murrels Inlet, and Pawleys Island. On the web at http://conwaynationalbank.com/ Call 843.248.5721
Locations and Hours at: http://conwaynationalbank.com/locations
Hussey Motors - Michael Hussey '76 - Hole Sponsor - Since 1950, Hussey Motors has provided auto repairs, maintenance and towing services to customers in Myrtle Beach and the surrounding areas. Conveniently located on Alder Street in the center of Myrtle Beach, we pride ourselves on having the knowledge and experience that keeps our customers coming back. Our team provides fast, affordable services you can trust. Whether you need a simple tire repair or a complex engine change, our certified technicians are trained and ready to assist you with all your automotive needs.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm - Closed Saturday and Sunday - Hussey Motors is located at 702 Alder Street, Myrtle Beach 29577 - Call 843 448-5182
Or visit them on the web at https://husseymotors.com - E-mail at info@husseymotors.com
Keystone Commercial Realty - Nick Sherfesee '65 - Hole Sponsor - Keystone Commercial Realty headquartered in Myrtle Beach offers a wide range of Commercial Real Estate and Business Assets in the Coastal Carolinas and Low Country Markets. We are small enough to agile and responsive, yet large enough to offer our clients the full spectrum of services they need. Our core services include: Sales Brokerage, Leasing Brokerage and Property Management. Building value for Local Communities and our Clients is central to our brand. Located at 4706 Oleander Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 - Call Nick at (843) 626-3400 Ext. #1044 - E-mail nicks@keystonecommercial.com - On the web at https://www.keystonecommercial.com
Smith Sapp Certified Public Accountants & Consultants - Michael Gamble '91 - Two Holes Sponsored - "We Add More Than Just Numbers" - The leading provider of Tax, Accounting & Audit Services in Myrtle Beach. Trusted Advisors since 1948. We take great pride in providing detailed planning and assistance that enable our clients to minimize tax impacts and maximize wealth and wealth transfers. If you want your financial services completed accurately with your cost-savings in mind, Smith Sapp should be your first choice. At Smith Sapp, we value client relationships. We are pleased to serve our clients in all three of our South Carolina office locations: Myrtle Beach, Conway, Pawleys Island. Our size and longevity of our ownership group has allowed us to develop in-depth knowledge of various specialty areas where we go far deeper than just tax preparation, financial statement reports, and gift and estate reporting.
Contact Michael today! - Call (843) 237-3453 - By e-mail at mlg@scpa.com - on the web at https://www.sccpa.com
His office is located at 245 Business Center Drive, Suite 4A, Pawleys Island, 29585
Intertex World Resources - Greg Sibley - Hole Sponsor
Denny Flahault '67, Ernie Brockman '67 - Golf
Rick Wilkinson '13 - Foursome
Will Johnston '74 - Golf, Raffle Tickets & Mulligans Purchased
Gary Browning '74, Pat Shama - Raffle, Goodie Bag & Silent Auction Items Donated, Tournament Administration
Patrick Wilkinson - Diamondback Golf Club at Woodland Valley - Raffle Prizes of Two Rounds of Golf for four at Diamondback
Play your next round of golf at Diamondback Golf Course at Woodland Valley - 615 Loris, SC 29569 - Call (843) 756-3264
See their website at https://playdiamondbackgolf.com
IN 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
Gold Stars are awarded to exemplary alumni clubs meeting certain Citadel Alumni Association criteria
throughout each year from 1 July through 30 June
$7396 in 2024
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$3000 to The Citadel Brigadier Foundation (TCBF) 2024 Annual Fund
$1100 to The Stray Dog Society
$3041 to TCBF Horry County Golf Memorial Scholarship
$255 to The Citadel Foundation (TCF) Live Mascot Endowment Fund
$11,084.20 in 2023
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2023 Annual Fund
$2000 to TCBF Horry County Golf Memorial Scholarship from our June 22, 2022 37th Golf Tournament
$1000 to The Stray Dog society
$4714.20 to TCBF Horry County Golf Memorial Scholarship from our June 17, 2023 38th Golf Tournament
$870 to The Citadel Foundation (TCF) Live Mascot Endowment Fund from our June 17, 2023 38th Golf Tournament
$3500 in 2022
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2022 Annual Fund
$1000 to The Stray Dog society
$6285 in $2021
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2021 Annual Fund
$3785 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$5000 in 2020
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2020 Annual Fund
$2500 to The Citadel Foundation (TCF) COVID-19 Relief Fund on Citadel Giving Day 2020
$5460 in 2019
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2019 Annual Fund
$2000 to The Citadel Men's Golf Club
$960.80 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$4008 in 2018
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2018 Annual Fund
$1508.87 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$3500 in 2017
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2017-2018 Annual Fund
$1000 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$3500 in 2016
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2016-2017 Annual Fund
$1000 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$2500 in 2015
The Horry Citadel donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2015-2016 Annual Fund
$3500 in 2014
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2014-2015 Annual Fund
$1000 to The Citadel Foundation (TCF) to The Citadel Football Locker Room Renovation
$3500 in 2013
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$2500 to TCBF 2013-2014 Annual Fund
$1000 to TCF to The Citadel Regimental Band & Pipes Association in honor of Don Eragle
$4500 in 2011
The Horry Citadel Club donated:
$1500 to TCBF Horry County Citadel Golf Memorial Scholarship
$1000 to TCBF Operations
$1000 to The Citadel Foundation (TCF)
$1000 to The Citadel Alumni Association
Please Join the Citadel Alumni Association today if you are not already a member
Please donate and join The Citadel Brigadier Foundation to Support Citadel Athletics
Please financially support The Citadel with donations to The Citadel Foundation
Thank You
Your Horry Citadel Club Officers
February 24 - 1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament
Limited to 20 Four Member Teams
Payment Due when you Sign Up
Deadline - February 15
9 am - 2 pm
Backwoods Quail Club, 647 Hemingway Lane, Georgetown, SC
Prices: -
$400 - Four Member Team includes clays, cart, food & drink
$500 - Four Member Team with Sponsorship includes clays, cart, food, drink & sign on course
$100 - Sponsorship includes sign on course
Kenny's BBQ and beverages will be provided after the event. Yes, we will have beer after the event.
RSVP: Sponsor or Attend by Contacting West Courtney 843-283-0575 or e-mail williamwcourtney@gmail.com
Thursday March 14 , 2024 Muster/Oyster Roast - Dress is Casual. Dress for outside to enjoy your oysters outside.
5:30 pm - Check-in, Pay Fees, Highlight on list of Graduates who died since last year for must Roll Call, Bar is Open
6:20 pm - Muster Roll Call then any announcements, introductions, and short presentations
7:00 pm - Oyster Roast Outside and Other Food Inside
"Come Celebrate the Long Gray Line"
Hot Fish Club in The Gazebo Bar
4911 HWY 17 Business
Murrels Inlet, SC 29576
COST (Pay at Event Cash or Check) Include your 2024 dues of $50 if you choose
$45 per person oysters, other food, domestic beer, house wine, soda, water, & sweet tea
$35 per person oysters, other food, soda, water, & sweet tea
$35 per person other food, domestic beer, house wine, soda, water, & sweet tea
$25 per person other food, soda, water, & sweet tea
RSVP by March 6 - Tell us how many people are eating oysters - E-mail Gary at pshama@aol.com or text or call 937-239-8633
TBD Coaches Night 2024 -
Come Hear Citadel Athletics Update
TBD Time
Dinner then AD and Coaches comments
$tbd per person for dinner beer/wine
$tbd per person for dinner tea/water/soda
TBD Location, Myrtle Beach
Saturday 1 June - 39th HCC Golf Tournament - Fundraiser
Diamondback Golf Club at Woodland Valley
615 Log Cabin Road
Loris, SC 29568
9:30 am - Check-in starts inside clubhouse
- Additional raffle and mulligan tickets on sale for $5 a piece
-Lunch is available for purchase at the clubhouse
- Range balls behind clubhouse
10:50 am - Be in carts for Announcements
11 am - Shotgun Start
After Golf - Chicken Bog, Awards, Silent Auction and Blind Raffle Prize pick-up in clubhouse
Additional Guest meal-after-golf tickets are $20 if you inform us in advance by May 24
$100 - Hole Sponsor - includes listing on our web homepage until 2025 golf event, on course sign if we know wording by May 17
$600 - Hole Sponsor & foursome
$500 - Foursome
$125 - Single golfer
$100 - Citadel Staff golfer
$50 - Class of 2024 golfer/current cadet golfer/future cadet golfers
Costs include green and cart fees, two mulligans, two raffle tickets, range balls, on-course beverages, and dinner after golf.
Funds are requested by May 24
Checks payable to: Horry Citadel Club
Mail checks to:
Horry Citadel Club
P.O. Box 3254
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578-3254
E-mail Gary Browning at pshama@aol.com or call or text (937) 239-8633 to e-mail or mail you golf information and registration form.
The proceed will benefit:
The Citadel Brigadier Foundation (TCBF) and Cadet and Graduate Student Athletes, & HCC's TCBF Scholarship Account.
Thank you for your continued support of our golf event.
Thursday 13 June 5:30-7:30 pm Knob Night 2024 - Class of 2028
Meet and greet Class of 2028 Horry & Georgetown County Cadets and their families!
Plantation Lakes Clubhouse
205 Shoreward Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Please attend to welcome new cadets and their families to "The Citadel Family".
Current Citadel Cadets are encouraged to attend and share their tips for success during Knob Year.
Light refreshments are served. Dress is casual.
Information exchange, question and answer period, and description of Horry Citadel Club Programs.
Let us know if you are attending by Friday June 7th how many are attending with you
by contacting Gary Browning, Club Secretary, e-mail pshama@aol.com or call or text 937 239-8633. Thank you!
Fall 2024, Every Regular Season Home Game Stray Dog society/HCC Tailgate
Horry Citadel Club Members hope to tailgate with the Stray Dog society again in 2024. We learn each year if
our club members will be tailgating with the Stray Dog society.
We are tailgating with the Stray Dog society in the Fall of 2024.
The tailgate starts Two hours before kickoff and runs until kickoff before each regular season home game.
2024 Home Football Schedule
Sept 7 - SC State - Tailgate 10 am - Noon
Sept 14 - North Greenville - Tailgate 10am - Noon
Sept 28 - ETSU - Tailgate Noon - 2 pm
Oct 5 - Furman - Tailgate Noon - 2 pm
Oct 26 - Samford - Tailgate Noon - 2 pm
Nov 9 - Chattanooga - Tailgate Noon - 2 pm
Where: Near Altman Center Entrance look for Stray Dog Tent & Banner
Who: Tailgate is FREE fro all HCC members and member of the Stray Dog society. HCC Member plus on person are included
(2 total per membership). For guests in 2024 Football Season $30 per person 21 and over and $15 per person under 21 pay at the check-in table.
How: Tell the Stray Dog Check-In Greeter you are a Horry Citadel Club member they will check the roster we send of paid members.
You will receive a guest pass or lanyard.
Horry Citadel Club encourages you to join the Stray Dog society!! and participate in all their activities and their support of The Citadel!
When: Stop by for fellowship, food and beverages two hours before kickoff of all the home regular season games
Free Beverage Socials
(A time to catch-up with alumni and friends at a local watering hole)
Free Beer, Wine or Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Club buys the $100 worth of beverages and you buy your own food
TBD Location
TBD Date
TBD Time
None are currently Scheduled
Certified Public Accountants
David T. Cole, '06, CPA
Duncan, Farmer, McIlrath, Marlowe & Cole, P.A.
1004 29th Avenue North, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577
telephone: 843.448.2019
At https://www.grandstrandcpas.com
Commercial Real Estate
C. N. "Nick" Sherfesee, '65
Keystone Commercial Realty - Sales Agent
Commercial real estate sales & management - Grand Strand
608 16th Ave. North, Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Nicks@keystonecommercial.com or nsherfesee@sc.rr.com
office 843 626-3400, home 843 213-0797, cell 843 455-1800
Kent Gunter, '95
FBi Construction
490 Allied Drive
Conway, SC 29526
Also locations in Florence and Columbia
cell 843 340-9940
Dennis Joyner
Sales & Construction Manager
PROCON & Associates
Steel Buildings
108 Case Court
Little River, SC 29566
843 399-8198
cell 843 241-1825
Jim Watson '63
Retired Myrtle Beach bank officer
1516 Stanford Place
Charlotte, NC 28207
office/cell: 843 222-2079, home: 843 626-8661
Electrician and Plumber
Tony Zack, '95
"We specialize in residential service 24 hours a day
7 days a week. No call is too small."
Mister Sparky America's On-Time Electrician
Benjamin Franklin The Punctual Plumber
"If there's any delay, its you we pay!"
Tim Diedrich
Certified Mortgage Loan Officer- NMLS#254709
Assistant Vice President
BB&T Home Mortgage
201 Chartwell Court, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
843-516-1234 Mobile
843-294-7444 Branch/Office
843-294-2146 Fax
Apply Online: http://www.bbt.com/tdiedrich
Plastic Surgery & Medical SPA
Dr. Steven White, '75
Carolina Coastal Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa
A skin care facility of the highest distinction,
committed to restoring the natural beauty of their clients.
Located next to Pelicans Stadium at
1275 21 St Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29577
Call 843 448-9977
on the web at www.carolinacoastalplasticsurgery.com
on face book at www.facebook.com/FiguresAndFaces
e-mail info@carolinacoastalplasticsurgery.com
Real Estate
Larry Horinbein, '73 Agent/Broker, GRI
Keller Williams - KW Myrtle Beach
1704 N. Oak Street
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Mobile 843.385.2175
Office 843.443.9400
Tom Webb '66
Longley Supply Company,
1550 Hwy 501
Myrtle Beach, SC
843 241-1365
The Citadel
Jonathan P. Kresken, JD '87
Asst. VP of Principal and Planned Gifts
The Citadel Foundation
171 Moultrie Street,
Charleston, SC 29409-6230
Office: 843 953-7760
Mobile: 843 222-0147